RTRP stands for Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Pipe and FRP stands for Fiberglass Reinfoced Plastic Pipe. FRP is a composite material consisting of a thermosetting polymer, often a type of polyester, reinforced with glass or other fibers. Glass fibers provide strength and stiffness to a composite material. Different types of resins are used for the manufacturing of RTRP pipes, which are selected according to the required properties like chemical resistance, temperature resistance and mechanical properties. The properties of FRP pipes can be varied by changing the ratio of the raw materials. According to the type of resin used, FRP pipes can be classified as;
- GRP - Glass Reinforced Polyester (Isophthalic resin)
- GRV - Glass Reinforced Vinylester (Vinylester resin)
- GRE - Glass Reinforced Epoxy (Epoxy resin)
SMLS 무계목 강관 및 Welded Pipe 용접 강관 차이점
SMLS 무계목 강관 및 Welded Pipe 용접 강관 차이점
파이프를 제작하는 방식을 크게 나누면 무계목 강관, 용접 강관으로 나누어져 있는데 이와 관련해서 알아보겠습니다.SMLS 무계목 강관 및 Welded Pipe 용접 강관 차이점 자주 사용되는
Fiber glass composites consists of glass fiber reinforcements, thermosetting resins and additives, designed and processed to meet the specific functional performance criteria ;
Fiber glass reinforcements:
The amount, type and orientation of the glass fibers in the pipe provides the required mechanical strength. C-Glass, E-Glass and ECR-Glass are used commonly, depending on the application of the pipe. The various forms of glass reinforcements are surface veil, chopped strand mat (CSM), continuous roving and woven roving.
Isophthalic, Vinylester and Epoxy are the common type of resins used. This will provide the thermal and chemical properties such as glass transition temperature, resistance to heat, chemical resistance etc. required for the finished product.
Auxiliary raw materials:
Raw materials like catalyst, accelerators, inhibitors, aggregates and pigments are used together with resin and glass reinforcements to achieve the desired properties of the fiber glass product. Catalyst is an organic compound which when added to resin in presence of an accelerator determines the polymerization reaction at ambient temperature. Accelerator is a chemical compound used together with a catalyst to shorten the polymerization time. Inhibitor is added to the resin to reduce its reactivity at ambient temperature.
Duplex 강종 특성 듀플렉스 ASTM CODE기준 적용사례
Duplex 강종 특성 듀플렉스 ASTM CODE기준 적용사례
듀플렉스 강종은 부식에 강한 소재로 알려져 있습니다. 듀플렉스, 슈퍼 듀플렉스 등의 강종 특성, ASTM 코드, 듀플렉스 소재를 적용하는 분야에 대해서 알아보겠습니다. Duplex 강종 특성 적용사례
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